Type: Design-Built
Date: 2022
Location: Thailand
The permaculture center for agriculture in Thailand has been already busy planting and harvesting in recent years. Our partner NGO Baan Doi was not only able to produce valuable food but also to show its children how farming can be done in harmony with nature. Now BASEhabitat is back in Thailand to implement a next step in the project: Guest houses as a source of income and accommodation for visitors to the agricultural centre. BASEhabitat Postgrad students have been developing the designs in Linz and are now on site for a few months to build a first prototype. The foundations have been completed, adobe is being produced from a mixture of clay, rice husks and rice straw, and bamboo is being cut and treated on site. The team of Thai workers and international students from Linz is supported by curious children from the NGO. Before the end of 2022 the first building should be finished. An active sponsor of the project is the children’s charity “Kindernothilfe”, which has chosen BAAN DOI as their heart project. More information here.
Design and site supervision: Florian Fend, Marta Rota
Students: Anna Chorzepa, Donald Walugembe Lugawa, Indira Orderique, Kaarel Kuusk, Luca Bertoni, Pooja Parameswaran, Prarthana Murali, Rikunj Shah, Samyutkha Rajeev, Sigurd Colsman, Talib Bashar
Client: Baan Doi Home and Healing Center
Sponsors: Kindernothilfe, Karl Zünd Foundation
Photos: Paul Eis